Health risk of heavy metal exposure in vegetable around owukpa coal mine field, north central Nigeria

G.G Yebpella, R.O.A Adelagun, Michael A. Abakpa * and Johnson Gani

Department of Chemical Science, Federal University Wukari, P.M.B 1020 Wukari Katsina- Ala Road Wukari, Taraba Stata.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2023, 05(02), 027–033.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2023.5.2.0026
Publication history: 
Received on 23 March 2023; revised on 03 May 2023; accepted on 06 May 2023
The evaluation of trace metals in the environmental around Owukpa coal mine field, Ogbadibo Local Government Area, Benue State Nigeria was carried out to evaluate the degree of contamination due to mining activity in the area. The mean concentration of selected heavy metals (Ni, Fe, Cd, Cr, Pb and Mn) in Vegetables (Vernonia amygdalina) around coal mines were investigated. Results of the atomic absorption spectrophotometric (AAS) were as follows Ni (4.47), Fe (29.18), Cd (1.27), Cr (3.76), Pb (4.64), and Mn (12.84) with a variation pattern in the order: Fe>Mn>Pb>Ni>Cr>Cd. It was observed that the trend of EDIs for heavy metals in the samples were in the order of Fe > Mn > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cd. The HRIs of Ni, Cd, Cr and Pb were higher than 1 (HRI > 1), with Carcinogenic Risk values of Cd (0.0668), Cr (0.0157), Fe (0.2432), Mn (0.1070), Ni (0.0340), and Pb (0.0003), respectively.
Heavy metals; Carcinogenic; Pollution; Concentration and Vegetables
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