The Investigation of the relationship between age difference and life time with the factors of divorce among Iranian women (20-35) with their husbands in Tehran province
1 Payamenoor University in Damavand.
2 Azad University in Tehran.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2021, 01(01), 001–010.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2021.1.1.0103
Publication history:
Received on 19 February 2021; revised on 17 March 2021; accepted on 19 March 2021
This prospective study was an attempt to examine the relationship between age difference and marital with divorce among Iranian women (20-35) with their husband in Tehran province. The participants of the study were eighty one Iranian divorced women (20-35) in Tehran. The participants were randomly chosen among women (20-35). The participants were given a questionnaire included age difference life time and effective external and internal factors of divorced. The researchers applied one way ANOVA in order to analyze the data .so the findings of the study revealed that there isn’t statistically difference between external factors and the different age of women with their husbands. On the other hand there is a meaning full difference between life time of women with their husband and external factors. The descriptive statistics revealed that there is significant relationship between difference age and life time of women with their husbands and internal factors.
Divorce; Age difference; Life time
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