Some characteristics of pumpkins grown at different altitudes

Ekaterina Georgieva Petkova 1, *, Petya Stankova Kasnakova 1. 2, Biynka Lubchova Tornyova 1, 2, Tanya P. Packaleva-Stoycheva 1, Stoyan Iliev Papanov 3, Dobrin Ivanov Popov 4, Ivan Georgiev Ivanov 5 and Lefter Ynaki Nasto 6

1 Medical College - Haskovo Branch, Trakian University, Bulgaria.
2 Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
3 Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University - Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
4 Medical Faculty, Medical University - Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
5 Technological Faculty, University of Food Technologies, Bulgaria.
6 Medical Faculty, Trakian University, Bulgaria.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024, 07(02), 123–130.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjms.2024.7.2.0031
Publication history: 
Received on 02 April 2024; revised on 12 May 2024; accepted on 14 May 2024
According to the classification, the pumpkin belongs to the annual herbaceous, dicotyledonous, flowering plants of the Pumpkin family. Due to its unique taste and health properties, the pumpkin quickly spread throughout the continent.
The use of pumpkins is determined by people's desire to consume healthy foods.
Objective: Analysis of some characteristics of pumpkins grown at different altitudes. Research methods used: Systematic approach and critical analysis of the accessible scientific periodicals; Determination of moisture content, carotenoid content and total content carbohydrates, the total soluble solids, pectic substances and degree of esterification.
Conclusions: The data obtained show that dry weight content and carbohydrate composition does not depend on altitude.
Pumpkin; Pectin; Carotene; Carbohydrate; Altitude
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