Schinus molle seedlings production: Influence of slow release and conventional fertilizers

Maximiliano Kawahata Pagliarini 1, * and Regina Maria Monteiro de Castilho 2

1 Experimental Farm of Agrarian Science, Grand Dourados Federal University, Rural Zone, Dourados-MS, Brazil.
2 School of Engineering, São Paulo State University, Ilha Solteira-SP, Brazil.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2021, 01(02), 061–065.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjms.2021.1.2.0023
Publication history: 
Received on 10 July 2021; revised on 02 September 2021; accepted on 04 September 2021
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different formulations of slow-release and conventional fertilizer in Schinus molle seedlings production. The experiment was conducted at São Paulo State University, School of Engineering, municipality of Ilha Solteira, Brazil, in a Pad & Fan greenhouse type (Average Temp. 26 °C and 55% RH). The seedlings were grown in the same cited environment in polyethylene trays filled with commercial substrate. When seedlings presented 3-4 leaves, 30 days after sowing they were transplanted to 4 L plastic bags, with the following treatments: T1 = Control, T2 = Osmocote® 3M (14-14-14), T3 = Basacote® 3M (15-09-12) and T4 = TecNutri® conventional fertilizer (05-13-13). Mixture of soil + commercial substrate (1:1) formed the substrate and fertilizer at a dosage of 3 g L-1 was used. The experimental design was completely randomized with 4 treatments and 06 replications and evaluations were performed 55 days after planting. The following characteristics were analysed: plant height, stem diameter (mm), plant height and stem diameter ratio and number of leaves. For 55 days seedlings the best treatment was the conventional fertilizer TecNutri®
Fertilization; Osmocote®; Basacote®; Aroeira Salsa
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