Taking caffeinated beverages at rest affects hormone metabolism

Mahira Firudin qizi Amirova 1, *, Gulnara Ibrahim qizi Azizova 1, Sevinc Huseynbala qizi Maharramova 2, Mehman Rustam oqli Guliyev 1, Hikmet Fikret oqli Memmedov 1, Akif Huseyn oqli Hajıyev 1, Samira Arif qizi Bağırova 1, Ayla Aydın qizi Museyibova 1, Ulviyya Hacibala qizi Azizova 1 and Nigar Xizri qizi Mikayılova 1

1 Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Public Health Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan, Baku.
2 Pharmacology Department, Pharmaceutical Faculty, Azerbaijan medical university. Azerbaijan, Baku.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2022, 03(02), 103–110.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjms.2022.3.2.0065
Publication history: 
Received on 03 May 2022; revised on 10 June 2022; accepted on 12 June 2022
It is generally accepted, that drinking tea and coffee causes an increase in cortisol levels in majority of people, due to the presence of alkaloids in these drinks, main of which is caffeine. The literature data about the ability of alkaloids to increase the cortisol secretion, and the high consumption of these beverages by men in our population, as well as the relatively scarce information on their effects on the body, forced us to focus in this study on examination the role of tea and coffee on the change in cortisol and testosterone levels in young men after taking strong tea or coffee at rest. İn this study we examined influence of coffee and tea on 21 healthy young men on testosterone and cortisol levels in the blood. For this, Hema kit (Russia) enzyme immunoassay method was used for testosterone definition, and Steroid ELISA-cortisol kit (Russia) – for serum cortisol levels in blood serum. We found out that cortisol may be lowered or raised depending on individuals, while testosterone does not change significantly either under action of coffee or tea.
Alkaloids; Coffee; Cortisol; Diabetes; Tea; Testosterone
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