The role of green supply chain practices in competitive advantage in the automotive industry
University of Edinburgh MA Social Policy and Economics, United Kingdom.
Open Access Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024, 08(02), 135-144.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjms.2024.8.2.0075
Publication history:
Received on 15 November 2024; revised on 22 December 2024; accepted on 26 December 2024
The research examines how the application of GSCP can support competitive advantage in the automotive industry by exposing concerns and pressures in the field and showing the necessity of improving sustainable management. Extensive Supply Chain Management, green purchasing, sustainable transport and closed-loop systems that comprise of GSCP, enhances both environmental conservation and firm operations, under emissions standards and EPR polices. The study also looks at aspects on how sustainable innovation impacts competitive capabilities, problems accruing, and how best to integrate sustainability with successful green practices with reference to Tesla, Toyota, and BMW among the leading firms. Through filling the theoretical-practical gap in sustainable supply chain management, the results can provide important knowledge for academics, practitioners, and policymakers, for proving that sustainability can as a strategic resource in the automotive industry. This paper provides guidance on how green supply chain practices contribute to the competitiveness of some of the prominent automobile companies. As the following analyses indicate, all three companies show that sustainability within supply chains creates strategic worth and enhanced performance. Implementing principles such as green purchasing, energy management and waste minimization, they cut operating costs and align to a more planet sensitive market environment. Further research should be conducted to investigate the sustainability effects of green supply chain and the effects of the regulatory norms regarding their implementation across all industries.
Green Supply Chain Practices; Automotive Industry; Sustainability-Driven Innovation; Competitive Advantage; Regulatory Pressures; Consumer Demand; Closed-Loop Supply Chains
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