Gamified Mathematics Education (GME): A new pedagogical model for digital learning platforms
1 Air Force School VI, Lagos, Nigeria.
2 Tuteria, Lagos, Nigeria.
3 Community Secondary School, Umunnachi, Nigeria.
Open Access Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024, 08(02), 021–031.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjms.2024.8.2.0060
Publication history:
Received on 16 September 2024; revised on 2274 October 2024; accepted on 29 October 2024
Gamified Mathematics Education (GME) offers a novel approach to mathematics instruction by integrating game mechanics and interactive technologies into digital learning platforms. This paper explores the theoretical foundations of GME, discussing its alignment with pedagogical theories such as constructivism and motivation models. It highlights the core components of GME, including the use of points, badges, levels, leaderboards, and real-time feedback, and how these elements foster student engagement and improve learning outcomes. Additionally, the paper examines the impact of GME on student motivation, performance, and collaboration, revealing significant improvements in comprehension and participation. While the benefits of GME are evident, challenges such as digital inequality, potential over-reliance on extrinsic rewards, and the need for teacher training are also addressed. The paper concludes with recommendations for optimizing GME implementation, emphasizing the importance of balancing educational content with game mechanics, improving access to technology, and providing professional development for educators.
Gamified Mathematics Education (GME); Digital learning platforms; Game mechanics in education; Student engagement; Adaptive learning technologies
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