Construction of an intellectual identity by Maithil Brahmins during the age of Vidyapati

Ranjana *

Department of Maithili, Ganga Devi Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Patna, Patliputra University, Patna, India.
Open Access Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2022, 04(02), 092-093.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjms.2022.4.2.0109
Publication history: 
Received on 01 November 2022; revised on 10 December 2022; accepted on 13 December 2022
The paper aims to explore the notion of a social group, that constructed an intellectual characteristics’ identity, during Vidyapati’sMithila. The Maithili Brahmins, among these social groups, formed their distinctive identity for a long time. In the process, they determined the social norms in contemporary society. The paper also tries to analyse the state’s attitude in this identity’s creation process which permitted the Maithili Brahmin scholars, on the basis of their sacred texts, Dharmasastras (religious books), to regulate contemporary social order. Their works of literature, in Vidyapati’sMithila, reflect the formation of symmetry, for the validation of their identity and domination, between the challenges at the political and cultural levels. The paper, through the analysis of this literature, attempts to study the legitimacy of the Brahminical hierarchy and regulation of daily life in contemporary Mithila.
Brahmin; Dharmasastra; Hindu-law; Kulinikarna; Mithila
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