Exploring the management and integration of national parks in Northern Ethiopia: The case of Kafta Shiraro National Park

Samson Shimelse Jemaneh *

Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI), P.O.Box. 30726, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2021, 01(01), 010–020
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2021.1.1.0106
Publication history: 
Received on 16 March 2021; revised on 19 April 2021; accepted on 21 April 2021
The study was conducted in Kafta-Shiraro in Northern region of Ethiopia. The study uses two important parameters to realize the objective of the study investigating themanagement and integration of the park, one is studying and explaining the community perceptions towards elephant (flagship species) conservation in Kafta Shiraro National Park (KSNP) and secondly compare and contrast the population structure and density of the (economically important plant) Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst inside and outside of the protected areas and the study contribute to the scientific bases for improved management of biodiversity and its conservation system. A total of 100 households were selected from 10 villages using a stratified random sampling. A rapid vegetation assessment survey was conducted in two Boswellia stands, inside the park and outside the park at villages in order to examine the status of the resource base. A total of 40 sample plots of size 20 X 20 m were laid at regular interval along parallel transects with smaller sample plots of size 5 X 5 m nested in the center of each plot for regeneration count. The conflicts between humans and wildlife in KSNP have been getting worse over time and underline the need to find a workable solution to stop the progress of encroaching human activities that are core factors in the conflict. The underlying factors were found to be free encroachment into the wildlife home ranges, mainly for cultivation and dry wood collection. The factors that contributed to the poor conservation of African elephant included weak community awareness and understaffed anti-poaching and patrolling team of the KSNP. The improper land use by host settlers locally called “wefrizemet” as well as legal settlers maximizes the level of habitat disturbance (threat of the elephants in the park) due to illegal cultivation with high number of livestock crossing to the park. B. papyrifera population structure illustrates that natural regeneration is lacking in all two study areas. Additionally, the population of Boswellia in the study areas is unstable and under threat due to lack of recruitments through regeneration. Based on the stands structure analysis, it is hypothesized that lack of natural regeneration is primarily caused by livestock grazing pressure and the absence of recruitment is largely caused by lack of seed production by mother trees as the result of intensive tapping of the frankincense. KSNP is deteriorating due to a lack of integration and development cooperation between the Park and the surrounding local community as well as administration the minimal managerial and institutional capacity of the Park, minimal alternative livelihoods for the surrounding communities, inadequate commitment among all officials in taking the Park as an issue of development agenda, absence of legal procedures and understandings on expansion of large scale farms, unplanned and non-integrated land use systems, and a lack of appropriate outreach programs needed to change the attitudes of the surrounding communities. Collaborative Park management is urgently required to rescue KSNP; agreement should be made from National to Woreda level stakeholders.
Management; Integration; KSNP; Elephant; Boswellia papyrifera; N. Ethiopia
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