Monthly variation in group size of cheetal deer (Axis axis Erxleben, 1777) in Jim Corbett National Park Uttarakhand, India

Shalini * and Bhawna Pant

Department of Zoology, Govt P.G. College Ramnagar, Nainital Uttarakhand, India.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2023, 06(01), 103–108.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2023.6.1.0061
Publication history: 
Received on 07 August 2023; revised on 25 September 2023; accepted on 27 September 2023
Cheetal deer (Axis axis Erxleben, 1777) is the most abundance species of deer found in Corbett National Park. The Bijrani and Jhirna, two zones of Corbett Park (with abundance of wildlife) are selected for the study of Cheetal. The primary data for this study is mainly based on direct observation by field visits in the study area. The largest group of Cheetal deer was 252 and the highest mean group size was 79.6 found in March 2019 in Jhirna zone. While in Bijrani zone the largest group of Cheetal deer was 172 individual and the highest mean group size was 56.4 found in March 2019. According to this study there is a variation in monthly group size of Cheetal deer and number of groups in both Bijrani and Jhirna zone of Corbett National Park. The group aggregation of Cheetal deer depends upon maximum and minimum temperature, food availability, visibility in park and number of more babies in group (fawning season). In March (spring) there is sufficient food available in the grassland and shrub area (new sprouting grass) so the population of Cheetal deer is found highest and also group size is found largest in Corbett National Park.


Cheetal; Bijrani; Jhirna; Direct Observation; Mean group size
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