Preparation of Bocachico in goatling (Prochilodus magdalenae) as a strategy for teaching horticulture and food safety

Fernando Vicente Barraza-Alvarez *

Department of Agricultural Engineering and Rural Development, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cordoba, Montería, Colombia.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2023, 06(01), 090–097.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2023.6.1.0056
Publication history: 
Received on 04 July 2023; revised on 11 August 2023; accepted on 14 August 2023
The practice and knowledge of horticulture is increasingly of interest to different people. Due to the gastronomic versatility offered by vegetables and considering that Bocachico fish is essential for food security in the department of Córdoba, the culinary recipe for Bocachico in goatling with vegetables was prepared with a group of 25 people from the village of Popayán, Colombia, with ages between 47 and 53 years and high school level, and in this activity some basic concepts of horticulture were taught. Once the evaluation was carried out, on a scale of zero to five, it was found that 68% of the participants obtained an average rating of 4.3, 12% of 4.6 and 20% of 3.6, distinguishing the categories of “Good”, “Very good” and “Regular”, respectively. There were no “Bad” grades, with which the acquisition of significant learning of the knowledge imparted and interest in horticulture as a food safety strategy was considered, without influence of the age of the participants.
Bocachico; Vegetable; Food safety; Situated cognition; Montería; Barranquilla
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