The valuable heterosis and genetic inheritance of live weight trait by growth hormone gene action in Ongole-grade cattle

Umar Paputungan *, Wapsiaty Utiah and Santie Turangan

Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado 95115, Indonesia.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2023, 05(01), 019–027.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2023.5.1.0080
Publication history: 
Received on 08 November 2022; revised on 04 January 2023; accepted on 06 January 2023

The crucial genetic factors of live weight inheritance including breeding value, dominance deviation, heritability and heterosis had not been studied in Ongole-grade cows. This study aims to identify the genotypic components including breeding value, dominance deviation, heritability and heterosis of live weight trait in Ongole-grade cows. A total of 78 blood samples from parental cows and 2 blood samples from parental Ongole-breed bulls were collected to be analyzed for presences of growth hormone (GH) genes. Presences of GH locus in blood samples were screened using PCR-RFLP method involving restricted enzyme Msp1 on agarose-gel (1.2%). Data were analyzed by statistical program in Excel XP. Results showed that the population mean (μ) of cow live weight was 385.98± 2.49 kg. Genetic component inheritance of homozygous genotypes of GH +/+ and GH –/– and heterozygous genotype of GH +/– were dominated by dominance gene action, rather than the additive gene action resulting the valuable heterosis for live weight trait of 3.2 percent. The heritability of dominance gene action (hD 2 ) was 0.96 categorized as higher heritability, while heritability of additive gene action (hA 2 ) was 0.04 categorized as low heritability under the equilibrium frequencies of both GH + (p = 0.48) and GH – (q = 0.52) genes without considering the nongenetic causes of environmental effect in the population of cow live weight.

Genotypic component; Growth hormone gene; Live weight heterosis; Ongole breed
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