Mutual relationships of environment and migration: A sociological appraisal

Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi *

Emeritus of Sociology, Alzahra University.
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2021, 01(01), 001–006,
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2021.1.1.0101
Publication history: 
Received on 10 March 2021; revised on 12 April 2021; accepted on 14 April 2021
Socio-industrial change in the past two centuries has widely affected the environment in various ways. In this process natural life has reversed ___ water resources, forests, agriculture, original foods, rural life, husbandry, access to fresh air and many more have changed face. Instead, chemicals, pollutants, transportation pollution, family networks, artificial food and many more have replaced the original/ natural characteristics of life and the original human values. Environmental change and degradation have widely caused migration in various forms. Currently, we can observe lots of climate refugees moving from one part to another. Such a situation leads to problems in the area of origin and in the destination area. When migration from a village takes place, agricultural production per head migrant is ceased/ suspended, and when the migrant is settled in a city, or another country, there would happen a pressure on resources there. Therefore, migration overall has its positive and negative effects. However, the phenomenon of migration brings many challenges and shortcomings for the host countries. Illegal immigrants who generally live unregistered on the outskirts of the city, they themselves cause environmental pollution, many social perversions, abnormalities (antisocial) behaviors, and the like.
Migration; Environment; Illegal immigrants; Environmental pollution; Climate refugees
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