Histopathological analysis of ovarian cancer in Benghazi medical center (BMC) in Benghazi - Libya from the years 2020-2021

Abeer Hussein Amer 1, 2, *, Lobna Abdalla Elfrgani 1, Asma Saad Alwerfaly 3, Amira Salem Hussein 3, Zainab Abdel Aziz Almaghrbi 3, Mabrouka Hussein Ali 3 and Wedad Azmi Saadi 3

1 Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Benghazi, Libya.
2 Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Applied Medical Science, Libyan International Medical University, Libya.
3 Department of Cytotechnology, Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, University of Benghazi, Libya.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2023, 05(02), 001–009.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2023.5.2.0020
Publication history: 
Received on 22 February 2023; revised on 02 April 2023; accepted on 04 April 2023
Ovarian cancer is a growth of cells that forms in the ovaries. The cells multiply quickly and can invade and destroy healthy body tissue. Tumors of the ovary are remarkably varied as they may arise from any of the three cell types in the normal ovary. A retrospective study was conducted on 48 cases of ovarian specimens diagnosed as ovarian tumors in the Oncology department at Benghazi Medical Center from January 2020 to December 2021. The files were conducted by the staff members of the Oncology department, and the students divided themselves into groups to obtain the data from the department, the data were age, type of ovarian cancer, histological and cytological reports (microscopic description) and diagnosis. Twelve patients were in the age range 51-60 years old as the highest number followed by the age range 61-70 years of age at 11 patients. Most of the ovarian tumors were seen in patient in postmenopausal age more than 45 years of age with a percentage of 78.7%. Surface epithelial tumors were the most found at followed by metastatic tumors while germ cell tumors were not found in our sample. The most common subtype of ovarian tumors observed in this study was serous cystadenocarcinoma low grade and endometrioid adenocarcinoma, while the least common tumor seen was papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Concerning the occurrence of bilateral versus unilateral tumors, most of the cases were bilateral. The aim of our research was to study the histological types of ovarian cancer in Benghazi Medical Center in Benghazi - Libya from the years 2020-2021.
Histopathology; Ovarian cancer; Tumor; Ovary; Benghazi Medical Center
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