Evaluation of the fifth selfing generation of Madura Local Maize, Indonesia

Achmad Amzeri *, Muhammad Baihaqi Khalim and Kaswan Badami

Agroecotechnology Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2022, 04(02), 001–008.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2022.4.2.0068
Publication history: 
Received on 07 September 2022; revised on 12 October 2022; accepted on 15 October 2022
The assembly of hybrid maize varieties with high production and early maturity is the right step to increase maize production on Madura Island, Indonesia. Assessment of the fifth generation selfing maize genotype aims to obtain potential parents that can be used in assembling hybrid maize varieties. This study aimed to evaluate the fifth selfing generation of Madura local maize, Indonesia. The study used a randomized complete block design with ten genotypes as treatment and repeated three times, so there were ten experimental units. The ten genotypes were G1= Tb-1-10-5, G2 = Tb-2-21-5, G3 = EL-1-26-5, G4 = EL-3-2-5, G5 =  DL-2-11-5, G6 = DK-1-5-5, G7 = CTK-1-4-5, G8 = DBR-1-12-5, G9 = KRA-1-2-5, dan G10 = GL-1-6-5. Characters observed in this study were plant height, days of 50% tasseling, days of silking, harvest age, ear length, ear diameter, 100-kernel weight, and production per hectare. The eight characters observed in ten fifth-generation selfing maize had a low coefficient of variance (0.16-6.62%), indicating that the variation within the genotype was small. The genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) is greater than the phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) in all observed characters. The heritability value in the broad sense of all observed characters is 0.81-0.99 (high). Production per hectare has a significant positive correlation with plant height, days to 50% tasseling, days to 50% silking, harvest age, ear length. G1, G2, and G5 were potential genotypes that could be used as parents in the assembly of high-production and early-maturity maize varieties.
Maize evaluation; GCV; PCV; Heritability; Correlation between characters
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