Comparative study of bioremediation of crude oil spillage using Cissus populnea stem and root as bio-sorbents

Joel Tari Honda 1, * P. M. Dass 2 and I. I. Nkafamiya 2

1 National Center for Technology Management (NACETEM), Modibbo Adama University (MAU) Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Chemistry, Modibbo Adama University Yola, P.M.B. 2076, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2023, 05(02), 021–026.
Article DOI:10.53022/oarjls.2023.5.2.0025
Publication history: 
Received on 08 March 2023; revised on 01 May 2023; accepted on 04 May 2023
The total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration decrease at the initial and final bioremediation across different variable and the comparative effect of roots and stem of Cisuss populnea biosorbent were studied. 25 g of soil was weighed into different plate, contaminated with about 10 ml of crude oil, the plate was labeled as BI, CI DI, BF, CF and DF (stem), (root) across 3 g, 6 g, and 9 g variables and A (soil and crude oil mixture) as control for initial and final bioremediation. 1 g of each contaminated soil sample was extracted using mechanical shaker at room temperature and the extracts were analyzed using GC/MS the results showed that the initial treatment of stem biosorbent were 358.47455 ppm, 248.02045 ppm, 249.97273 ppm respectively and the final treatment after 4 weeks of biodegradation were 173.40636 ppm, 70.44364 ppm, 45.60818 ppm and control 757.39864 ppm. The total effect removal of Total petroleum hydrocarbon obtained were 51.6%, 75.2% and 81.8%, while the initial treatment of the root biosorbent were 366.72762 ppm, 347.75909 ppm, 337.04227ppm, after 4 weeks of biodegradation, the Total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration decreases to 143.6982 ppm, 60.05455 ppm, 52.21045 ppm and control 757.39864 ppm and the effect removal were 60.8%, 82.7% and 84.5%.
Bioremediation; Crude oil; Cissus populnea; Stem; Root
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