Colonization of degraded soils by plants species in the Sudano-guinean zone of Cameroon: application of Revitalization Technology (ReviTec) approach

Baïyabe Il-Mataï 1, 2, *, Casba Rosaline 1, Amougou Alega constantin 3, Dongock Nguemo Delphine 1 and Tchobsala 1

1 Institute of Agricultural research for Development (IRAD), P.O. Box: 2123 Yaounde, Cameroon.
2 Department of Biological Sciences. University of Ngaoundere. Faculty of Sciences. Laboratory of biodiversity and sustainable development. Cameroon P.O BOX 454.
3 Department of Plant Science,University of Buea, Faculty of Science, P.O. Box 63, Buea, Cameroon.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2024, 07(02), 027–037.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2024.7.2.0065
Publication history: 
Received on 31 October 2023; revised on 26 May 2024; accepted on 29 May 2024
Background: Techniques of plant recolonization are increasingly developed throughout the world. In Cameroon, Revitalization Technology (ReviTec) was implemented in the Sudano-Sahelin zone in order to evaluate its impact on the rapid restoration of degraded soil and plants colonization.
Aim: The aim of this work was to identify the good treatment (composition of different nutrients) involving the fast plants appearance.
Method: The plant cover estimation as well as the evaluation of the presence of plants species by island within the quadrats of 1×1m2 was done. The method used to fight these ominous phenomena is the ReviTec. The software Stagraphics and Xl-stats were used for the different analyses.
Results: The results showed that the treatments CpBcMy (42 species) present a considerable number of species. The frequency indices present a heterogeneous vegetation with the predominance of accidental species (53%) in the experimental site. The most represented families were those of Fabaceae cesalpinioideae, Poaceae, Malvaceae and Rubiaceae. Stylosanthes guianensis and Brachiaria brizantha were the most represented species with 94.22% and 95.11% respectively. Zoochory was the most frequent type of diaspores dispersal with 51.76%. The most important percentage cover was observed in the treatment CpBcMy (32% on the average).
Conclusion: The present approach used for the restoration of degraded soils is very beneficial for plants succession and maintenance of cover percentage to highest rate.


Plants succession; Plants cover; Soil degradation; ReviTec
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