Google Scholar Indexed Peer Reviewed Engineering Journal

Peer reviewed and Referred International Journal of Engineering Research

OARJET Peer Reviewed Journal of Engineering Research

Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (OARJET) is the most reliable Peer reviewed international journal publishing Engineering Research articles. OARJET is the first choice of authors who want to publish Engineering research and review articles in Peer reviewed Engineering Journal. All articles submitted at OARJET undergo double blind peer review process hence OARJET is Referred Engineering Journal. Therefore, those who want to publish Engineering Research Article in Online Peer Reviewed Engineering Journal can submit their article to OARJET .

OARJET is an International Peer reviewed Journal approved by International ISSN center with online ISSN number 2783-0128. Authors willing to publish their Research paper at very low cost of publication, OARJET can help. OARJET is Peer reviewed Engineering Journal with low article processing charges (INR 1770/- or 32 USD).

All articles published at OARJET are peer reviewed and indexed at Google scholar. Therefore OARJET is  and Google Scholar Indexed Peer Reviewed Engineering Journal. At OARJET, being Peer reviewed Engineering Journal with Crossref Indexing, we offer DOI to each articles at free of cost. Being Peer Reviewed Fast publishing Engineering Journal, OARJET is the most preferred Engineering Research Journal among authors. OARJET is Peer reviewed High impact factor Engineering Research Journal publishing quality articles. After publication of peer reviewed article at OARJET authors will get free Certificate of publication.

Peer Review Process followed by OARJET

Step 1: Manuscript submission by Author

Author submits his/her research or review manuscript  to OARJET by online submission by mail ( or on our website OARJET online submission link. Author can use OARJET Template for preparing manuscript in MS word format.

Step 2: Initial check by Editorial Office 

The staff at Editorial Office checks that the manuscript submitted by author is as per the requirements described in the journal’s Author Guidelines. All the articles are tested for format and checked for grammatical and formatting mistakes. Not more than 2 mistakes per page are allowed.

Step 3: Editorial review by editor

At this stage of Peer review process, the journal editor will decide whether manuscript suitable for the publication in the journal or not.

If the editor feels that there are serious fundamental flaws in the manuscript or it is irrelevant to the scope of the journal, he will reject the manuscript.

If the manuscript passes the editor’s initial screening, it is sent out for double-blind peer review to external reviewers.

Step 4: Double blind Review by Reviewer

All papers of the journal are double-blind reviewed by at least two reviewers, and ideally is double-blind reviewed by three or more reviewers.  The reviewers will look at significance of the study, the study design, results presentation, clarity of language, etc. The reviewers will also make a recommendation to the journal editor concerning publication as:

  1. Manuscript is Accepted
  2. Manuscript is Rejected
  3. Manuscript is Accepted with Minor Changes
  4. Manuscript is Accepted with Major Changes

Step 5: Author revise and resubmit manuscript

If manuscript is accepted then author have to send the Author’s Declaration form and pay Article processing charges. All the formats can be downloaded from our website's Download link

If manuscript is Accepted with Minor/Major Changes, the authors need to carefully read and consider reviewers’ comments and revise manuscript based on reviewers comments. After the revision is done, the authors resubmit the revised paper to the journal.

Step 6: Final Editorial Decision

The revision will go through quick review by the editor only. If the editor feels the revision has adequately addressed their previous concerns and the paper has improved after the revision, editor will inform author to send send the Author’s Declaration form and pay Article processing charges. Then paper will move on the last step of publication.

Peer Review Process at International Journal of Engineering Research