Strategic management practices in construction industry; Problems and prospects (A Case of Nigerian Enterprise Anambra State)
Department of Building Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2021, 01(01), 011–020.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2021.1.1.0111
Publication history:
Received on 11 March 2021; revised on 15 April 2021; accepted on 18 April 2021
This work provides an overview of problems and prospects with the intention to analyze and to evaluate strategic management practices in construction industry. In order to achieve this, relevant studies were examined and reviewed issues on strategic management practices, its problems and prospects in construction industry. Descriptive research design was used in this research. The aim of the research design is the desire to simplify the complex issue of the strategic management practices, its problems and prospects in construction industry in decision making for a better understanding. 261 staff was used to study the population of the construction staff in the case study. The sources of data used for this research are primary and secondary data. The instruments used in collection of the data were structured questionnaire, interview and observation. The descriptive method was used to analyze the data generated for the research. This was supported by tables showing questions, responses, frequency and percentages of Yes or No. The mean scores, correlation, one-way ANOVA and Chi-square test was used in analyzing the data generated for the study. The findings indicate that strategic management practices are highly essential and there is high prospect from the department of strategic management practices in construction industries. Without adequate strategic management practices, construction industries will have problems in design, construction and construction management specifically companies in the case study. Based on the above findings the researcher made recommendations that will help to enhance construction management, promote high prospect in construction industries and to create profitability that will enable the environment specifically companies in the case construction industries.
One way ANOVA; Strategic management; Organization; Construction; Building; Practices and prospects
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