Urban designs for commercial projects in lraq study area Baghdad

DOAA HAMEED KHALAF and Faez Alkathili *

Al- Turath University College, Department of design, Iraq, Baghdad.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023, 04(02), 008–017.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2023.4.2.0057
Publication history: 
Received on 11 March 2023; revised on 29 April 2023; accepted on 01 May 2023
The research has dealt with the study of the essential concepts of planning, design of commercial investment projects and the elements of the urban investment environment and their relationship and dimensions in the planning process, benefiting from previous studies and experiences of some countries as well as spatial analysis of the reality of the city of Baghdad and the extraction of planning indicators that contribute to achieving balance, spatial integration and social justice in the distribution of investment projects and raising the value of the land. The research concluded through statistical analysis and extracting practical results using the (Spss) program and analyzing data from the questionnaire forms that were distributed to specialized experts that there is weakness in planning and distributing projects as a reality and their hugely concentration on certain sectors than others, especially (Al-Karada, Al-Mansour, Rusafa. The study also dealt with planning and spatial distribution of investment projects in the investment map in general and commercial projects in particular through the (GIS) program.
Urban designs; Commercial Projects; Iraq; Distribution; Investment; Commercial
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