Research analysis on development of portable evaporative cooler for desert climatic zone

Muthuraman Subbiah *, Abdallah Mohammed Al-Rashdi, Ahmed Sulaiman Saif Al Mahruqi, Ali Saad Rashid Al Najar, Dawood Sulaiman Ali Al Shahimi, Maawiya Juma Said Al Hasni and Muhannad Rabia Al Amri

Department of Engineering (MIE Section), University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2024, 06(01), 001–007.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2024.6.1.0093
Publication history: 
Received on 27 November 2023; revised on 07 January 2024; accepted on 10 January 2024
The primary aim of this study is to empirically examine the viability of utilizing ice as a cooling agent in order to enhance the air cooling efficiency of a portable cooler through the utilization of latent heat of fusion. A portable air cooler has been constructed using a polyurethane insulation box that is readily accessible in the market. The box has been combined with a galvanized iron conduit, which has a square cross section measuring 3 inches by 3 inches, to facilitate the passage of air. This tunnel effectively isolates the airflow from the ice, while nevertheless facilitating thermal conduction between the ice and the surrounding air. The experimental testing of this system was conducted within a range of ambient temperatures, specifically between 34.6 ℃ and 30 ℃. According to the test results, the system demonstrates the capability to lower the temperature of air by up to 11.4 ℃. The findings also indicate that the cooling efficiency of the system is influenced by fluctuations in air temperature, room temperature, and duration.


Atmospheric Temperature; Room Temperature; Outlet Temperature; Relative humidity; Thermal efficiency
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