Research on the activity and doses of radionuclides for different ages people through biokinetic modeling in HATM method

M. Kamal Hossain 1, M. Sazzad Hossain 2, Haron-Or-Rashid 3, Md. Nurul Islam 2, * and A.H.M. R. Quddus 4

1 Department of Physics, Sreenagar Govt. College, Bangladesh.
2 Department of Physics, Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology, Qadirabad Cantonment, Natore, Bangladesh.
3 Department of Physics, Govt. Anondo Mohon College, Bangladesh.
4 Department of Physics, National University, Bangladesh.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2024, 06(01), 026–038.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2024.6.1.0086
Publication history: 
Received on 12 October 2023; revised on 26 February 2024; accepted on 29 February 2024
Based on the Human Alimentary Tract Model (HATM), the activity and doses of radionuclides due to acute intake of 1 Bq of few radionuclides such as 60Co, 134Cs (long lived) and 131I (short lived) are calculated. A software has been developed in Visual Basic language for the calculation of the doses due to intake of radioisotopes by radiation workers and public at large. Radiation doses that are deposited at the most through ingestion in the alimentary tract which (HATM) is made of seven tissue compartments: Esophagus (OP), Left Colon (LC), Oral Cavity (OC),Right Colon (RC), Rectosigmoid Colon (RSC), Stomach (ST) and Small Intestine (SI). Nine (9) organs of the tract out of which 4 organs are deposited by radiation doses within the tract such as ST, SI, LC and RC and 5 other organs are deposited by radiation doses outside of the tract, e.g. liver, right kidney (RK), left kidney (LK), right lung (RL) and left lung (LL) have been taken into account here. The different tissue masses of the tract of various age-groups of Bangladeshi people were considered for calculation. The considered age groups of the people are like as new born, 1 yr, 10 yrs, adult male, adult female for within the tract 4 organs and <20 yrs male, 21-40 yrs male, 41-60 yrs male, > 60 yrs male, <20 yrs female, 21-40 yrs female, 41-60 yrs female foroutside of the tract 5 organs. In each tissue compartment retention variation follows the serial: 60Co >134Cs>134I.


Activity of a radionuclide; Internal radiation exposure; Biokinetic model; Radioactive contamination; HATM
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