Record management with a decision support system for faculty and employees association

Lance Jay Tristeza Montalban *

Computer Studies Department, Faculty, Iloilo Science and Technology University, Miagao Campus, Miagao,Iloilo, Philippines.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2023, 04(02), 018–023.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2023.4.2.0059
Publication history: 
Received on 04 April 2023; revised on 13 May 2023; accepted on 16 May 2023
This study aimed to develop a Record Management System with Decision Support System for the Faculty and Employees Association in Miagao Campus. The system allows for the creation, maintenance, and disposal of records in an organized manner, creating a transparent record management organization through a certain policy. The Decision Support System enhances the functional aspect of decision-making and data management.
The developed system includes a Record Management component for faculty and employee data, used for updating personal records and determining individual benefits. Members can view their monthly contributions and dues, and the system provides a decision support system to evaluate if members can claim their benefits. Additionally, the system generates monthly reports and keeps records in the database system.
The prototyping model was used in software development, and the ISO 25010 criteria for software evaluation was adopted to evaluate the system. Five IT experts and ten FEA members were randomly selected to evaluate the system, and based on the given criteria, the overall result of the evaluation was "very effective."
The system meets the characteristics of software quality set by ISO 25010 standards, including functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability. Overall, the Record Management System with Decision Support System is an effective tool for managing records and supporting decision-making for the Faculty and Employees Association in Miagao Campus.
Record Management System; Decision Support System; Faculty and Employees Association; ISO 25010 criteria; Database system; Software evaluation
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