Practical study of the effect of hydrogen enrichment on the performance characteristics of small two stroke engine

Ahmed Mostafa Eldeeb *, Moussa Abdel Rahman Said, Mostafa Fathy Abdel Khalik and Adham Mohammed Abdelkader

Automotive Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2024, 07(01), 084–095.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2024.7.1.0031
Publication history: 
Received on 18 June 2024; revised on 04 August 2024; accepted on 06 August 2024
Although the two-stroke gasoline engines have been a mainstay for many Transportation applications, due to their high-power density, they have been austere by high HC emissions and loss of energy which results in poor fuel efficiency. Limited crude oil reserves and increasing concern about pollution norms has pushed us to search for alternative fuel to use in internal combustion engines such as CNG, LPG, HCNG, H2 etc. To improve the poor gas exchange process of a simple ported two-stroke engine, green hydrogen blended with gasoline is considered a good alternative fuel. In this paper, hydrogen-gasoline blends as an alternative fuel are used in a small air-cooled single-cylinder, retrofitted crankcase scavenged two-stroke engine. Engine performance and exhaust emissions have been experimentally compared between gasoline and Hydrogen-gasoline blend fuels in a wide range of engine operating conditions. The results of this work lead to clear insight into Hydrogen enrichment’s impact on the engine performance.
Two-Stroke Engine; Green Hydrogen; Engine Performance; Hydrogen Gasoline Blend
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