Automated control of fixed loads and remote sockets: design and evaluation

Edemirukaye Ukeh Orodje * and Apeh Simon T

Department of Computer Engineering, University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2021, 01(02), 049–058.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjet.2021.1.2.0117
Publication history: 
Received on 06 November 2021; revised on 29 December 2021; accepted on 31 December 2021
The world is moving towards the process of automation. From the use of manual vehicles to the use of self-driving cars as people seek comfort, convenience and accessibility. Home automation basically does that, making the devices easily accessible from anywhere in the home. To overcome the challenges associated with standing up to switch on and off home appliances, especially during this pandemic era. Hence, “Automated control of fixed loads and remote Sockets: Design and evaluation” presented. This research describes the evaluation via survey and design of a circuit incorporated with a Bluetooth module and design application for smartphones so that any device connected to the circuit such as fans, lightings, sockets etc can make use of the application to control it. The application once it has been successfully installed in any smartphone and successfully connected to the circuit helps in switching on and off the lights, the fan, sockets, etc It will also help in the regulation of the speed of the devices. This is more effective, reliable, automated, time saving and cost effective.
Automation; Control; Wireless; Mobile Application Development
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