Aqueous stem bark extract of Rhizophora racemosa is protective against cardiotoxicity and imbalance in anti-oxidants in normal Wistar rats due to exposure to petrol fumes
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Chemistry and Pharmacy, 2023, 03(02), 015–025.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjcp.2023.3.2.0052
Publication history:
Received on 30 March 2023; revised on 16 May 2023; accepted on 19 May 2023
The protective potential of aqueous stem bark extract of Rhizophora racemosa in normal albino rats against cardio-toxicity and imbalance in anti-oxidants due to exposure to petrol fumes was investigated. A total of 21 albino rats of Wistar strain and of average weight were used in this study. Following exposure to petrol fumes for 1 hour and 3 hours daily, the two test groups were treated with aqueous stem bark extract of Rhizophora racemosa (400mg/kg) and vitamin E (200 mg/kg) respectively for 28 days. Blood samples were collected periodically for lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase activities determination by spectrophotometric method. On the 28th day of the experiment, all the experimental rats were sacrificed and dissected to obtain the hearts for histological studies and spectrophotometric antioxidant assay. The result obtained showed that exposure to petrol fumes caused increase in the activities of lactate dehydrogenase and creatine kinase when compared to normal control(P<0.05). Catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were also reduced while malondialdehyde concentration increased(P<0.05). These conditions were, however, reversed by the administration of the aqueous stem bark extract of Rhizophora racemosa and vitamin E. The hearts of the untreated rats showed adverse histological changes which were reversed by the aqueous stem back extract of Rhizophora racemosa after 28 days of treatment. The aqueous leave extract of this plant may therefore be useful in preventing cardio-toxicity caused by petrol fumes, thereby conferring protection on the heart.
Rhizophora racemosa; Petrol; Wistar rat; Lactate dehydrogenase; Creatine kinase; Antioxidants
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